Cemesan Group

Support Strengthened by Steel

35 years of experience

Superior Quality Supported by International Certificates.

We Closely Follow the Production and Product Certificates Required for International Projects, and We Carry Out Detailed Studies to Provide These Certificates with Our Quality and Technical Units.

Humanity faces many challenges: Limited resources, climate change, and an increasing world population are just a few. This requires a clear vision for businesses. At Eurotray, we have a vision: To design the infrastructure of the future to make technological change sustainable. Our forward-thinking solutions make power and data infrastructure safer, more economical, and simpler. Together with our customers and partners, we can make a significant contribution to a better future for our world.

Every vision needs a mission – and we have developed one for the coming years. At Eurotray, we naturally carry awareness of economic, ecological, and social values. This includes commitments such as regional positions in our global target markets to shorten logistics delivery chains, environmentally friendly production processes, and long-term economic action. Therefore, we believe that working with other market actors to take the necessary actions to protect our planet is crucial for realizing these principles.


35 years of experience

+ 0 ton

Production capacity


Exported country

+ 0

Participated projects


With our significant ERP investment, we continuously measure and analyze all our processes, from supply to production and from production to sales, to increase efficiency.

Kusursuz Teknik

Perfect Technique

Proje Yönetimi

Project Management

Bütünsel Çözüm

Comprehensive Solution

Our Products & Solutions

EKO SERİSİ Ekonomik Ağır Hizmet Kablo Kanalı

Cable Trays

Eurotray Tel Kanallar

Wire Mesh Cable Trays

Kablo Merdivenleri

Cable Ladders

Elektrik Metal Boruları & Kanalları

Electrical Metallic Tubes & Conduits

Güneş Enerjisi Montaj Sistemleri

Solar Mounting Structures

Sismik Askı Sistemleri

Seismic Bracing Systems

Eurotray Döşeme Altı Sistemleri

Underfloor Systems

Topraklama Sistemleri

Earthing & Grounding Systems

Kablo Kelepçeleri

Cable Clamps

Depo Raf Sistemleri

Racking and Shelving Systems

Mekanik Taşıyıcı Sistemler

Mechanical Support Systems

Dış Cephe Ankraj Sistemleri

Facade Fixing Systems

Eurotray News


Solar & Storage Live UK – Eurotray

Solar & Storage Live UK – Eurotray

Right now, Eurotray is present at Solar & Storage Live UK, taking place…

Intersolar Europe

Intersolar Europe

Eurotray participated for the 3rd time in Intersolar Europe, the World’s Leading Exhibition…

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